June 23, 2019

Karnataka PGCET Exam Syllabus


Syllabus for Architecture

City Planning : Historical Development of City Planning, Principals of city planning new towns, survey method, site planning regulations and building bye laws.

Housing : Concept of shelter, housing design and policies, role of government agencies, finance and management. Landscape Design: Principles of landscape design, landscape elements, materials, planning design.

Visual & Urban Design : Principles of visual composition, proportion, scale, rhythm, symmetry, asymmetry, harmony, balance of form and color scene of place and space, division of space, focal point vista, visual survey.

History of Architecture : Indian – Indus valley, Vedic, Buddhist, Indo Aryan, Dravidian & Mughal periods ; European – Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Medieval and Renaissance periods.

Development of Contemporary Architecture : Development and impact on society since Industrial revolution, influence of modern art on architecture, works national and international architects, post-modernism in architecture.

Planning Theory : Planning process, comprehensive planning, land use and density in residential and non-residential area, central place theory, rank – size rule, settlement pattern, land utilization and district level planning.

Techniques of planning : Application on remote sensing techniques in urban and regional planning surveys, methods of preparation of urban and regional development plans, structure plans, strategy plans etc and site planning principles and design.


Syllabus for Civil Engineering

Elements of Civil Engineering : Force and its types, Concept of equilibrium, Building stones, Bricks. Cement and its properties. Timber and its properties. Columns and Struts, Stress and Mohr’s circle, Types of Beams, Bending moments and shear force, Cylinders Torsion.

Building Engineering Science : Safe bearing capacity, Foundation, Types of Foundation, Footings and types, Reinforced cement concrete, Mortars, woods, Types of roofs, cement and its types, Bricks Lintels, chap and Masonry, staircase, Trusses.

Surveying : Chain surveying, Errors in surveying. Compass surveying, Omitted measurements. Plain table surveying, Leveling. Trigonometric surveying, Tachometers surveying. Contouring, Curves, Calculation of area and Volume.

Fluid’s Mechanics : Different types of fluids and units, pressure, buoyant force, different types of flows, Bernoulli’s theorem, Discharge measurements, Orifice, Most economical section of the channel, Reynold’s and Fraud’s number, Similarities, Pressure measuring device.

Structures : Beams – Singly, doubly. Flanged beams slabs – one-way, twoway and flab slabs stairs columns and column footings (Isolated and Combines footings). Raft foundation steel structures; Analysis and design of tension and compression members, beams and beam – column, column bases, connections – Simple and eccentric beams – column connections. Plate girders and trusses, plastic analysis of beams and frames.

Geo-technical Engineering : Physical properties of soils, water in soils, stress in soils. Consolidation and settlement. Shear strength of soils, Shallow foundations, site investigation, Stability of slopes, earth pressure.

Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering : Quantity of water-water demand. Population forecast, sources of water. Quality of water, types of pipes, types of pumps, water treatment units – sedimentation , aeration, flocculation, filtration, screening, pipe joints, conveyance of water, quantity of sewage, characteristics of sewage, pH, BOD, COD, DO and others. Sewers, sewer Appurtenances, Biological treatment, sewage treatment units-screening, Grit chamber. Skimming tanks. Detritus tank, Trickling filter, contact beds septic tank, imhoff tank, ASP. Sewage disposal units.

Transportation Engineering : Highway Geometric Design : Highway cross-section elements. Sight distance, Design of Horizontal alignment Design of Vertical alignment. Traffic Engineering, traffic characteristics, traffic operation, Pavement materials, Design and evaluation, Rail Gage. Train Resistance, Power of locomotive, Rails, Sleepers, Curvature of Track, Tunneling of soft soil, Transition curve, Harbour and Dock.

Hydrology : Hydro-logic cycle rainfall, unit hydro-graph flood estimation, reservoir design, well hydraulics

Irrigation : Duty, Delta. Crop water requirements design of lined and unlined canals, head work, Gravity dams and orgee spillways, Irrigation method


Syllabus for Chemical

Process Calculations : Units and Standards, Material and energy balance, humidity and saturation and combustion.

Fluid Mechanics : Fluid statics, in-compressible flow through conduits, flow meters, flow past immersed bodies, transportation of fluids.

Mechanical Operations : Size analysis, reduction and separation, filtration, agitation and material handling.

Thermodynamics : First and second law of thermodynamics, PVT relations, thermodynamic relations, phase equilibrium and reaction equilibrium.

Heat Transfer : Conduction, convection, heat exchanges, steady and unsteady state heat transfer and radiation.

Mass Transfer : Diffusion, convective mass transfer, gas liquid contractors, distillation, absorption, adsorption, leaching, drying, evaporation, crystallization.

Reaction Kinetics : Theories of reaction rates; kinetics of homogeneous reactions, interpretation of kinetic data, single and multiple reactions in ideal reactors, non-ideal reactors; residence time; non-isothermal reactors; kinetics of heterogeneous catalytic reactions; diffusion effects in catalysis.

Process Control : Measurements of process variables; sensors, transducers and their dynamics, dynamics of simple systems, dynamics such as CSTRs, transfer functions and responses of simple systems, process reaction curve, controller modes (P, PI and RID); control valves; analysis of closed loop systems including stability, frequency response(including Bode plots) and controller tuning, cascade, feed forward control.

Pollution Control Engineering : Waste water treatment, Air pollution treatment, Solid waster treatment, Noise control

Computer Science

Syllabus for Computer Science

Engineering Mathematics : Mathematical logic; Propositional logic, first order logic. Probability; Conditional Probability, Mean, Median, Mode and standard Deviation, Random variables; Distributions; uniform, normal, exponential, poisson, Binomial. Set theory & Algebra; Sets, Relations, Functions; Groups; Partial orders; Lattice; Boolean algebra. Combinatorics; Permutations; Combinations; Counting; Summation; generating functions, recurrence relations; asymptotic.

Data Structures & Algorithms : Notion of abstract data types, Stack, Queue, List, Set, String, Tree, Binary search tree, Heap, Graph; Tree and graph traversals, connected components, spanning trees, shortest paths; Flashing, sorting, searching; Design techniques(Greedy, Dynamic programming, Divide-and -conquer); Asymptotic analysis(best, worst, average case) of time and space, Upper and lower bounds on the complexity of specific problems, NP-completeness.

Logic Design & Computer Organization : Logic Functions, Minimization, Design and synthesis of Combinational and Sequential circuits; Number representation and Computer Arithmetic(fixed and floating point); Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU and Date-path, hardwired and micro-programmed control, memory interface, I/O interface (Interrupt and DMA mode), Serial communication interface, Instruction pipe-lining, Cache main and secondary storage.

Formal languages and Automata Theory : Regular languages and finite automata, Context free languages and Push-down automata, Recursively enumerable sets and Turing machines, Un-decidability.

System Software : Lexical analysis, Parsing, Syntax directed translation, Runtime environment, Code generation, Linking (Static & Dynamic)

Operating Systems : Classical model (ER-model, relational algebra, tuple calculus), Database design (integrity constaints, normal forms), query languages (SQL), FIle structures (sequential files, indexing, 134+ tress), Transactions and concurrency control.

Computer Networks : ISO/OSI stack, Data encoding and transmission, data link control, sliding window protocols, LAN architecture, LAN systems, Ethernet, Token ring, routing protocols, Packet switching, Network devices  – switches, gateways, TCP/UDP, application layer protocols and systems (http, smtp, dns, ftp), network security.

Web technologies : Three tier web based architectures ; JSP, ASP, J2EE, NEET Systems; html, XML

Electrical Science

Syllabus for Electrical Science

Linear Algebra : Matrices and Determinants, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen Vectors.

Calculus : Limit, Continuity and Differentiablility; Partial Derivatives; Maxima and Minima; Sequences and Series; Test for conveigence; Fourier series.

Vector Calculus : Gradient; Divergence and Curl; Line; Surface and volume integrals; Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems.

Differential Equations : Linear and non-linear first order ODEs; Higher order linear ODEs with constant coefficients; Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations; Laplace transforms; PDEs – Laplace, heat and wave equations.

Probability & Statistics : Mean, median, mode and standard deviation; Random variables;  Poisson, normal and binomial distributions; Correlation and regression analysis.

Numerical methods : Solutions of linear and non-linear algebraic equations; Integration of trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule; single and multi-step methods for differential equations.

Network Topology : Graph of Network, concept of tree, links, tie set schedule, outset schedule.

Circuit Concepts : Source transformation, circuit analysis using look current and node voltage methods, star-delta conversion, dual networks and concept of controlled sources. Network theorems, Resonant circuits, locus diagrams, Coupes circuits, polyphase circuits. Laplace transformations and applications, Non-sinusoidal waveforms, initial conditions.

Network Functions : Network functions of one and two port networks, driving point and transfer functions, concepts of poles and zeroes. Two-port network; Y and Z parameters and h-parameters of two port networks. PR functions & Hurwitz Polynomial, Gauss’s theorem, electric field intensity and place charges, capacitance of parallel plates and coaxial cylinders. Ampere’s and Blot-Savart’s laws, inductance of long and short solenoids.

Analog Electronics : Transistor biasing and bias stability, class A, class B & class C Amplifiers, small signal h-parameter equivalent circuit of transistor. Expression for current gain, voltage gain, input impedance. RC coupled amplifier, frequency response, half power frequencies, bandwidth, factors influencing the bandwidth RC couples emitter follower amplifier, current gain, voltage gain, input and output impedance, applications FET-RC coupled Amplifier.

Power Amplifiers : Class A, Class B, push pull and C;ass C power amplifiers. Maximum power output driving power requirements.

Feed back amplifiers & Oscillators : Concept of positive & Negative feedback advantages of negative feedback. Voltage & Current feedback, effect of the same on performance characteristics. Condition for oscillation, Weinbridge oscillator, expression for frequency of oscillation, crystal oscillators, voltage regulator, operational amplifiers, comparator, ZCD, precision rectifier. I to V and V to I converters, instrumentation amplifiers, square wave, triangular wave and saw tooth wave generator

Wave shaping circuits : Clipping, clamping, integrator & differentiation circuits.

Digital Electronics : Digital signals, Boolean constants and variables, Basic logic operations, AND, OR, NOR gates and realization or truth tables, Bollean expressions, simplification.

Number Systems & Codes : Decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal, binary coded decimal; octal, hex numbers. Excess 3 and gray codes, binary arithmetic. Karnaugh map method of obtaining logic expression, maxterm, minterm realization of logic functions using basic gates & also using NAND & NOR gates. Half adder, Full adder.

Flip-Flops : R-S-flip-flop, clocked R-S, D-FT, JK, Master Slave JK-FF, Edge triggered flip-flops Sequential Logic: Registers, Shill registers, asynchronous counters, synchronous counters sequential circuits, AID and D/A converters, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers.

Semiconductor Memories : RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM and EEPROMS

Control Systems : Basic control system concepts, transfer functions, Block Diagram reduction, signal flow graph, DC & AC servomotors & their TF; analogous systems F-V, F-I analogies, Time domain & frequency domain analysis.

Stability : Absolute and relative stability, RH criterion. Polar plots, phase cross over and gain cross over frequencies. Bode plots, phase plot and gain plot, determination of gain and phase margins Nyquist stability criterion, Principle of mapping of Nyquist path, gain margin, phase margin. Nyquist stability criterion. Root locus.

State Space technique : State variables state model of linear systems, solution of state equation, state transition matrix.

Microprocessor : 8085 architecture, instruction set, Addressing modes, Timing Diagram.

Programming : Main and subroutine programs, Conditional call and return, counter and delay subroutines.

Interrupts : Vector interrupts, interrupts routines, Restart instructions.

Memory & 110 Interfacing : Memory map and I/O map methods & interfacing devices, 8255 (PPI), 8253(PIT), 8259(PIC). Architecture and Instructions of 8 bit micro controller.


Syllabus for Environmental

Environmental Chemistry, Biology : Basic concepts of physical chemistry – Osmosis, Dialysis, Adsorption, pollution parameters – pH, COD, BOD, DO, TOC, Nitrogen, Fluoride, Sanitary significance of Sulphate, Nitrates and Phosphates.

Microbiology : Plant kingdom, Animal kingdom, Morphology and growth of Bacteria, Air, water, Soil, Microbiology, Virology, Microbial Metabolism of Pesticides and heavy metals.

Ecology : Ecosystem concepts, Food chain and food web. Energy flow in ecosystem – Lotic and Lentic Systems, Eutrophication of lakes. Population Growth forms, carrying capacity, quantitative ecology, concept of ecosystem, Environmental fluid mechanics and water resources engineering; Fluid properties and classifications, Newton’s law of viscosity, fluid pressure and its measurements; Hydrostatics, kinematics of fluids, Bernoulli’s equation, Momentum equation; Flow through pipes – Darcy’s equation, Friction factors, Pipes in series, Parallel and equivalent pipe, minor losses; Flow measurements -Orifices, mouthpieces, Notches and weirs; Flow in open channels – uniform flow, most economical sections, specific energy, critical flow, hydraulic jump; water hammer in pipes, impact of jet on vanes, turbines – types; Pumps – Types, working and problems; Quantitative and Qualitative Hydrologic cycle, precipitation and Runoff estimation. Unit hydro-graphs, stream flow analysis – time series, return period, mass diagrams for computing storage capacity, stream flow measurements; Groundwater – Definitions, type of aquifers; well Hydraulics – steady state, Basic equation of groundwater flow. Open and tube wells – type. Yield estimation, drilling maintenance of borewells; Artificial recharge, water conservation and Reuse, soil conversation, economic aspects of water resource planning.

Water Supply & Treatment : Drinking and Industrial water quality standards; Water quantity based on various demands; Types of intakes, raising main economics, pumps in series and parallel. Hazen William equations, types of reservoirs, preventive maintenance, regional water supply system; Physico-chemical and Bacteriological characterization of water – surface and sub-surface; Aeration, coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation, Filtration – slow rapid and pressure; Flardness and color removal; Disinfection process – Mode, rate and factors; corrosion and corrosion control; Operation and Maintenance of water treatment system.

Wastewater & Treatment : Quantity of Domestic wastewater, characteristic wastewater, Disposal of sullage water in rural areas; Classification of wastewater treatment techniques – Unit operations and process; screening, grit chamber, primary, sedimentation. Biological units; suspended and fixed growth system, Aerobic and Anaerobic systems, activated sludge process, trickling filters, RBC, Bio-filter, Secondary sedimentation tanks, stabilization ponds – aerobic, facultative and anaerobic lagoons, septic tanks, digesters, sludge drying beds; Industrial wastewater survey; Variation in quantity and quality of Industrial wastewater; Guidelines for discharge of Industrial Effluent on land into Municipal Sewers and Natural water; Joint treatment, Volume reduction, strength reduction, equalization neutralization and proportioning; Estimation of process kinetic parameters; Origin, characteristics and treatment of cane sugar industry, diary, distilleries and pharmaceuticals; wastewater reuse and waste recovery from different industries.

Solid & Hazardous wastes Management : Sources, composition and properties of municipal solid wastes, solid waste generation, storage and processing at source; Landfill – classifications, types, control of gases and leachates, preliminary design of landfills; Separation, transformation and recycling – size reduction, density separation; Thermal processing – combustion, pyrolysis, gasification, energy recovery; Composting – Aerobic and anaerobic digestion and energy production; Incineration – Types, processes, heat recovery, incineration products; Definition, sources and classification of Hazardous waste; characterization of Hazardous waste – Ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, toxicity, quantification, waste minimization; Toxicology – Toxic effects, carcinogens, exotoxicology assessment ; Physico-chemical and biological treatment – Air stripping, soil vapor extraction, carbon absorption, steam stripping, stabilization and solidification. Slurry phase and solid phase treatment. Thermal methods – combustion, liquid injection; Land disposal and site remediation, monitoring of disposal sites.

Atmospheric Pollution and control : Atmospheric structure and composition, Air pollution episodes; Sources and classification of air pollutants – Natural and anthropogenic. primary and secondary pollutants. Properties of major air pollutants alonf with sources and sinks – particulate and gases, photo-chemical air pollutants, air pollution due to automobiles; Air pollution effects on human health and welfare, vegetation, animals, materials and structure/monuments, visibility problem, acid rain, green house effect, Ozone depletion and hear island effect; Measurements of air pollutants – Measurements of gaseous and particulate pollutants, sample train, air pollution indices and index; Air pollution Nileterology – scales, factors like heat, solar radiation, temperature, lapse rate, wind, humidity, precipitation, mixing height, pressure atmospheric stability conditions, wind velocity by profile, windrose diagram; Atmospheric dispersion of stack effects – plume rise, effective stack height, plume rise formulations, Gaussian dispersion coefficients, ground level concentration; Air pollution control equipment – setting chambers, inertial separators, cyclones, fabric filters, scrubbers, ESP. Control of gaseous pollutants – adsorption, absorption, combustion and condensation.

Transport Processes and water Quality Assessment : Process Dynamics – Transport and Reaction process, material balance, kinetic approach to equilibrium; Mechanics of mass transport – Diffusive mass transport and convective mass transport in molecular and turbulent flow regimes; chemical thermodynamics – free energy, entropy formation, effects of ionic strength on the value of equilibrium constant. Simultaneous reactions. Factors affecting equilibrium concentration and their temperature effects; Process kinetics – First order reaction, parallel, reversible and enzyme reaction; Gas absorption and adsorption, Particle treatment, Ion exchange and electrodialysis; Groundwater quality – Basic differential equation, 1-D and 2-D approaches;  Ultimate disposal of wastewater in water bodies and on land; Wastewater disposal in rivers – effects on Oxygen demanding outfall I, pipe and diffuser outfall; wastewater disposal in lakes – Steady state ‘DO’ analysis for completely mixed and stratified lake, nutrient loading;  wastewater disposal in estuaries – characteristics of Eastuarian flow regime; wastewater disposal on land – application rate, leaching factor, SAR, microbial effects on soils; subsurface water quality assessment impacts of point source, discharge and leachate from landfill sites.

Environmental Impact Assessment : Introduction – Rapid and comprehensive EIA, Need of EIA studies. Baseline date. Hierarchy in EIA, Statutory requirements of ETA; Advantages and Limitation of EIA, step-by-step procedure for conducting EIA; objective and scope of EIA; Environmental attributes, public participation in EIA, Environmental and Disaster management Plans; Project activities – Attribute, activity relationships, Matrices and BEES; Impact quantification – Hazardous waste dumpsites, sanitary land-filling; EIA of infrastructural projects – Highways, Airports, Water supply and sanitation, wastewater treatment; ETA of Construction projects – Effects and mitigation; EIA of water shed Development programme (Reservoirs, Dams, Irrigation and Agricultural Activity); ETA of power projects – Hydro, Thermal and Nuclear; EIA of Industrial Development Process.


Syllabus for Mathematics

Mathematics : Analytical Geometry of 2-d – lines, Curves, Analytical geometry of 3-d lines, planes and Conics, Differential Calculus – Derivatives of any order, Derivatives of functions, curves, Polar co-ordinates, Partial differentiation, Integral Calculus – integrals of standard functions, Reduction formulae, Applications, Differential equations – Upto second order homogeneous equations, solutions using Laplace transforms.

Probability – Events, Sample space, Basic theorems, conditional probability, Independence, statistics – Frequency tables, histograms, measures of averages and dispersion, combinatorial analysis – Permutations and Combinations, Linear and Non-linear equations – solution, application, set theory – Basic concepts, operations on sets, Venn diagrams, De Morgan’s law, power sets, Relations – Composite, Equivalence, Recurrence, Number system – Binary, Ternary and others, Logic – Operators, Truth tables, Tautologies, Algebraic structures – Groups, Rings, Sequences and series-Convergence.

Computer Science : Fundamentals of Computers, Office Automation, Basics of internet.

‘C’ Computer Language : Basic Data types, fundamentals of C programming, control structures, Bit wise operators, Storage classes, Functions, Arrays, Pointers.


Syllabus for MCA

Mathematics : Algebra : Fundamentals operations in algebra, expansion, factorization, simultaneous linear/quadratic equations, indices, logarithms, Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic progressions, Binomial Theorem, Permutations and combinations, surds, Determinants, matrices and application to solution of simultaneous linear equations.

Co-Ordinate Geometry : Rectangluar Cartesian co-ordinates, Equations of Line, Mid-point, Intersections etc., Equations of a circle, Distance formulae, pair of straight lines, Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola, Simple Geometric transformations such as translation, Rotating , Scaling.

Vector : Position vector, addition and subtraction of vectors, scalar and vector products.

Trigonometry : Simple identities, Trigonometric equations, properties of Triangles, Inverse function.

Probability and statistics : Basic concept of probability theory, averages, dependent and independent events, Frequency distribution and measures of dispersion, skewness and kurtosis, Random variable and distribution functions, mathematical expectations, binomial, poisson, Normal distributions, curve fitting and principle of least sqaures, correlation and Regression.

Computer Basics : Organization of a computer, CPU, Input/output devices, Computer Memory, Back-up devices, computer languages, operating systems.

Data representations : Representation of characters, integers and fractions, binary and hexadecimal representations, Binary Arithmetic: Addition, subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Two’s complement arithmetic, Floating-point representation of numbers, Normalized Floating-point representation.

Analytical Ability & Logical Reasoning : The question in this section will cover logical Reasoning, quantitative reasoning and Visuo-spatial reasoning.

General Awareness : This section shall carry questions to test the general awareness about Business, Finance, Industry, Transportation, Scientific inventions, Governance, Healthcare and cultural dimensions etc.,

General English : Questions on Grammar and Vocabulary.


Syllabus for Mechanical

Engineering Mathematics : Linear Algebra; Matrices, System of linear equations Eigen values and Eigen Vectors; Calculus; Taylor’ series, Partial Derivatives, Iota Derivatives, Definite integrals; Differential equations; Linear ordinary differential equations, First order non lineal ordinary differential equations, initial and boundary; Value problems, Laplace transformation, partial differential equations; Numerical methods; System of Linear equations, Jacobi, Gauss Siedel and Clout’s methods, Rung kutta and Newton – Raphson methods; Probability and statistics ; Gaussian and Weibu distribution and properties, Method of least squares, Regression Analysis, Analysis of Variance.

Engineering Materials : Structure and properties of engineering materials, Heal treatment, composite materials and their applications.

Engineering Mechanics : Free body concepts, Equations of Equilibrium, Centroids and Moment of inertia.

Strength of Materials : Stress and strains, Elastic constants, principal stresses, Maximum shear stress, shear force and Bending Moment diagrams, Stresses in Beams, Deflection of Beams, Torsion, columns and struts.

Fluid Mechanics : Fluid properties, fluid statics, manometry, Buoyancy, Conservation laws, Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation, viscous flow of incompressible fluids, Laminar and Turbulent flows, Flow through pipes, Dimensional analysis.

Thermodynamics : Laws of thermodynamics, internal energy, enthalpy and entropy, Thermodynamic processes, heat and work; irreversibility and availability, perfect gas, properties of pure substances. Air standard and fuel air cycles. IC engines and Gas turbines, centrifugal and axial flow compressors, Basic concepts of jet propulsion.

Theory of Machines : Analysis of planar mechanisms, Dynamic analysis of Slider-Crank mechanism cams and followers. Kinematics of Gears, Governors and flywheels, Balancing of reciprocating and rotating masses. Free and Forced vibrations of single degree freedom systems. Effect of damping, Transmissibility, Vibration Isolation, Critical speed of shafts.

Design of Machine Elements : Material and manufacturing considerations, Design of Shafts, keys, coupling, bolted, reverted and welded joints. Dynamic loads, Design of power screws, helical springs, spur gears, clutches and brakes, Hydrodynamic lubrication, Journal bearings and anti friction bearings.

Production Engineering : Metal casting processes, Melting and Pouring of cast iron, Ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys, casting defects, inspection of castings hot and cold working of metals. Metal joining processes. Soldering brazing and welding, modern welding processes; Metal cutting tools – Machine tool operations. Non-traditional machining processes.

Industrial Engineering and Management : Introduction to work study and method study. Principles of Organization, types of organization types of ownership, functions of personnel management, functions of sales management. Materials management inventory control, value analysis scheduling & production control, PERT and CPM.

Polymer Science

Syllabus for Polymer Science

Fluid mechanics and statics : Types of fluids – shear stress and velocity gradient relation, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, laminar and turbulent flow. Flow in boundary layers. Reynolds number, Bernoulli’s equations, Variation of pressure with height – Hydrostatic equilibrium, barometric equation, Measurements of fluid pressure – Manometers.

Chemical process calculations : Concept of mole, Mole fractions, compositions of mixtures of solids, liquids and gases. Ideal gas law calculations, general material balance equation for steady state.

Chemical engineering thermodynamics : Basic concepts : System, surrounding and processes, closed and open systems, state and properties, intensive and extensive properties, state and path functions, General statement of first law of thermodynamics, First law of cyclic process, P-V-T behavior of pure fluids, equations of state and ideal gas law, Processes involving ideal gas law; Constant volume, constant pressure, constant temperature, van-der Waals equations.

Heat and mass transfer : Modes of heat transfer, uni-layer and Multi-layer condition, forced and natural convection, Introduction to molecular diffusion, in gases and liquids, theories of mass transfer, principles and types of distillations.

Polymer science : Classification of polymers, Definition of polymerization, chain polymerization (free radical, ionic and co-ordination polymerization), step (condensation) polymerization, co-polymerization methods of polymerization (bulk solution, suspension, emulsion).

Polymerization kinematics : Definition of reaction rate, order, molecularity, different theories of reaction rate, activation energy, kinetic expressions for simple first order and second order chemical reactions, kinetics of linear step reaction polymerization, kinetics of addition polymerization initiated by free radical initiator; steady state assumption.

Processing Technology : Extrusion, injection moulding, blow moulding compression moulding, rotating moulding, thermoforming, calendaring.

Polymer manufacturing : Industrial production methods of HDPE, LDPE, PP, PS, PVC, PMMA, Nylon 6 and Nylon 66